Holmes on Homes What's In Your Water

Water and Your Home


For me, being on TV was always about educating people on how to do it right when it came to their homes. How to Build it Right, Own it Right, Protect it Right, and Sell it Right.

From understanding what’s behind their walls to picking the right materials, I want to help improve people’s homeownership experience from the minute they step foot in it or decide to take on a new build or renovation project.

That’s why I love working with builders like RDC Fine Homes who are dedicated to building homes using high-performance technology with the ultimate result being homeowner health, comfort and energy efficiency.

I had the pleasure of visiting their Crumpit Woods Oasis home, and I was extremely impressed. The technology used in this house and the design were phenomenal, from the oversize gutter system to maximize rain collection to the climbing wall in the home gym.

RDC Mike Holmes 2014


Water is an essential part of our everyday lives. We drink it, cook with it, shower, wash our clothes and dishes, and the list goes on. But do you really know what’s in your water? What contaminants might exist? And did you know this could be affecting your water pressure?

Some signs are obvious like if your water looks cloudy or has a bad odour, but unless something is noticeably off with your water – you probably don’t give it much thought. 

The water pumped into your home is treated. But it’s often only treated to minimum standards -and that’s not good enough for me. Whenever possible we should strive to go over the minimum standard, making it right.

This article provides more information about what’s in your water and how to improve your water quality.

Holmes on Homes Podcast

The best way to know what quality water you have, is to have a water sample tested. You can test your water for hardness, iron, pH, contaminants, plus much more. Water quality testing is an important first step because your test results will dictate what kind of water treatment solutions, if any, your professional will recommend. 

A whole house water filtration system is a great solution that can help eliminate particles and unwanted substances that may have crept into your water supply and ensure that every drop of water that flows through your home is clean, crisp, and worry-free. Whole-home water treatment is something I would recommend you look into. 

Your water professional may also recommend a water drinking system, or a reverse osmosis system as well as a water softener system depending on what’s in your water.

Read more about RDC Fine Homes sustainable green building practices and how they are able to incorporate water-efficiency solutions to be eco-friendly while saving on your water bill.

Mike Holmes also shares 7 things you can do to conserve the water in your house to reduce waste and save on your bill.


For me, launching a podcast was a natural next step in my career. This is a chance for YOU to listen to in-depth, unfiltered conversations that I have with subject matter and industry experts.

How to protect your home from electrical fires? Why is indoor air quality and humidity important? What type of sink or fixture should I buy? Why should you care about scale in your water? Are swimming pools a good investment? I get into all that and more on my new Holmes On Homes podcast.

You can watch the podcast episodes on my YouTube channel, or listen to them on any major podcast platform. Hope you enjoy it and learn something!

Mike holmes Podcast


Homes are a big investment —so it is only natural that you lay the right foundations to save you time and money down the road. The Holmes Approved Homes program is designed to give homebuyers a home that’s built right the first time. This program is about integrating the right building products with the right technology and practices to build you a home that goes beyond residential standards, from construction to final inspection.

For over 20 years, RDC Fine Homes has been specializing in building breathtaking, beautiful custom homes throughout the sea to sky Corridor in Whistler, British Columbia. 

These are energy-efficient homes that stand brilliantly within the landscape, working with the surrounding environment to enhance the beauty and resiliency of top construction practices. Every RDC Fine Home constructed is a testament to high-performance technology with the ultimate result being homeowner health, comfort, and energy efficiency.

Being a Holmes Approved Home Builder means that each custom home and renovation completed by RDC Fine Homes goes through 3rd party, unbiased inspections during various stages of construction. The result? Simply a better-built home.

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